All games without cheaters on board are good games.
Shoutbox archive
Workdays 6:20. Weekends sleep until at least 10 (or 11) :-) Or as I normally say "B-type living as A-type during workdays". Still proud to say that I never been late to work (age 59) :-)
Beomaster my weife keeps making me get up and walk around, she says sitting in front of the computer all day is bad for me
Yes, we're all looking forward to retirement :-) But I'm sure the wife will make sure I don't play BF2 all the time
Managed to get the gametracker top player stats working with the help of Sunny today
As from today the REFINERY is a NO ENTER or KILL zone. Just experimenting to sere how it goes The game is on a 2hr timer